Friday, December 24, 2010

The decision has been made...

The official draft for 2011 was conducted over a feast of Christmas Goose at The Ritz Restaurant and the food for 2011 is........................


2011 is the Year of the Hamburger. Check back here soon for reviews of the best burgers we can find.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We were ahead of our time

OC Weekly (who incidentally does a great job finding many hidden gems in Orange County, California) asked if 2010 was the Year of the Fish Taco. Of course it was, and you saw it here first!

Click here to read the article.

We know, we know...

Okay, so things got a little hectic and the posting fell off a bit. There are 7-8 reviews sitting and waiting for editing which will be posted by the end of the year. I also hope to go on a fish taco binge here at the end of the year and to check some of the recommendations that we received throughout the year.

Regardless, there have been several conversations in the last few weeks about 2011's selection for which food will be reviewed. Check back to see soon.